First Time IV

We are naturopathic doctors, born and bred in functional medicine. It is who we are and what we do. We teach and demonstrate lifestyle medicine as the foundation of health. There are no exceptions or shortcuts around this fact. However, regardless of how we may strive to reach the goal of optimal health through eating right, targeted nutritional supplements, exercise, and reducing toxic load, the fact is that the vast majority of us are still suffering from a constant state of toxicity, malnutrition and dehydration - often without even recognizing it. Not only are we exposed to a constant deluge of dangerous environmental toxins every day, but many of the foods we eat are nutrient sparse and we rarely drink enough fluids to stay properly hydrated. On top of all this, our busy, chronically stressed culture and lifestyle places an enormous demand on our system. We sometimes hear from folks that all of this doesn't really apply to them because they live in a minimally-polluted area, use chemical-free products in their home, buy only organic, non-GMO whole foods and otherwise take great care of themselves. The fact is even the healthiest body tends to only absorb about fifty percent of all the vitamins and hydration it receives orally through food, drink and supplements - and this doesn't even begin to account for digestive disorders, impaired absorption, genetic variation, or nutrient depletion due to medications - all of which are extremely common today. Consequently we need something else to fill in the gaps, and this is where infusion therapy comes in.

We have been practicing functional medicine and micronutrient IV therapy for over 11 years. During that time we have refined the process of determining exactly what kind of treatment each individual needs, evaluate what is or is not working, and understand how to make the appropriate adjustments. We are not simply infusing and injecting nutrients into your system. We perform an intake with every patient, screen for common nutrient deficiencies and other imbalances, and customize your formula accordingly. Our doctors on staff will interpret your test results and monitor progress to ensure that you are getting the most efficient, effective, and safe treatment possible. And if you need more attention or work up we will let you know. At the same time, if you are experienced with IV therapy, already know what you want, or come to us with a referral from another provider we can get right to work. In short, we can cater to nearly any situation or circumstance there is and ensure you are getting the best care and experience possible.

To enhance your infusion experience we offer a specialized pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) before or after each session. PEMF primes your system to maximize the benefit of the infusion therapy by dramatically increasing the rate of red blood cell circulation and immune cell activation. This means more oxygen and nutrients delivered to every cell and improved immune activity and response, two primary objectives of nearly every infusion therapy.


(503) 246-2995


M: 10-4
Tu: 10-4
W: 10-6
Th: 10-4
F: 9-1


14900 SW Barrows
Road Bldg.B,Suite 201
Beaverton, OR 97007